"Many, many, MANY years ago, I not only took lessons from Phil, but I took two special workshops: "Hitting the Breaks" & "Phrasing." In my opinion, those two workshops are a major factor in my accumulating over 200 WSDC points, and why Mindia never refuses when I ask her to dance (worth the price right there!)."
- Joe

"Mindia, your gift to me is getting me to dance. Your class is my happy place for the week. I really enjoy you and I love your class."
- Cheryl

"Just want to let you know how much I enjoy & appreciate your newsletters, lessons and especially watching you dance!!!! :)"
- Nina

"As the Dancer Turns Newsletter: "Great writing style. Very readable and entertaining."
- Jim

"And thanks for the great music last Saturday at Hacienda! Your dance is always a blast!"
- Tamie

"I've been taking Beginner and Intermediate lessons with Mindia & Phil for several months now. They make me feel so confident and always have words of encouragement to help me progress. The music is fabulous and contemporary.  I can count West Coast now while driving in my car :-). I'm saving for taking some privates with them. I'm sure happy to meet such great supportive people on my journey!"
- Nina

"As always, I LOVE reading your newsletter. It should win a yin/yang relationship award."
- Linda

"Best WCS monthly dance in ALL of the land! (Yep, it is.)"
- Rhonda

"I have enjoyed Mindia's WCS group lessons on Tuesdays, private lessons, beginner and intermediate WCS DVDs, and the "As the Dancer Turns" Newsletters particularly her Mindiana Jones trilogy adventures with Grizzly Adams. She makes learning WCS simple and fun. I am so amazed that she knows so many WCS patterns and to choose which ones to teach for each group lessons that I can't count them. LOL. She is so knowledgeable and prepared to teach for any type of situation that I have learned many great WCS points that improves my social dance every time she teaches. "
- Ed

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